Friday, June 21, 2024

Chicken Little


 And here it is the first day of summer.  It feels like the year is going by in a whirlwind.  The edits for what is now called Death Among the Stitches is back with my editor.  I expect to hear soon about a cover and then the copy edit before it goes into print mode.  I have set it aside from my thoughts for now.

Now when I think of scenes or snippets of dialogue, it's all about Molly and her crew.  As a bit of research I came across a kit to make a tie made of granny squares.  It seemed to me something Adele would make for her husband and might be why her marriage has gone on the rocks.  I also thought it would be a fun thing for me wear since I credit granny squares for changing my life.   My crochet mojo has been stuck for awhile.  I would do couple of stitches on the simple granny square blanket that was supposed to be relaxing, only to think of something else I should be doing and stop.crocheting.  The little chicken was just a yellow ball waiting for its beak, eyes and wings.

I didn't want to start the tie kit before the chicken had all its parts.  I think the face is what makes or breaks these little amigurumi pieces are the features.  I finally pushed myself to do the face.  The great thing about crochet is that its easy to undo if something isn't right, which of course happened with adding the facial features.  The directions have you doing the beak and then the eyes, but they are dependent on each other.  Or that's what I found out after trying to go by the pattern.

At last the baby chick is done.  It made me think of the time I brought home a baby chick as a pet.  A friend and I had gone to a pet shop in our neighborhood selling the chicks for a dime.  It was around Easter and they were selling rabbits as well.  They put the chick in a brown paper bag.  My mother was a good sport about Chicken Little as I called him (turns out it was a way to get rid of excess baby roosters) and helped me make a container for him.  I think I had him for about a month and then it was time to find him a home meant for a chicken.  We took him out to our place in Indiana and gave him to neighbor who lived there full time.  She  said she would take care of him.  I was never sure what that meant.

This new Chicken Little doesn't have to worry about his future.  And now it's on to the tie.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Happy 1st day of summer!! Celebrating will be done in the house with the a/c on -- it's 94 outside already!!

Glad to hear the new book will be out fairly soon and another Molly is on the way. If Adele's husband won't wear a granny square tie, she can add it to one of her outfits. Years ago, I made a crocheted tie for my husband -- even with a finer thread, it was too bulky to tie properly. It probably went in the Goodwill bag along with a sweater I'd started to knit -- I goofed up the pattern and just bundled it up and donated it -- maybe someone figured out what to do.

I remember going to the farm supply store with my uncle to buy baby chicks. I can still hear the little "peep, peep" and smell the very distinctive odor they have. He'd get a couple boxes of them -- the box was a big square and a few inches high.

I finished three granny square blankets for my Project Linus stash and have started a basketweave in pink with a band of pink and white variegated yarn at each end.

Enjoy your day -- hope you can crochet at least a few rows.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, the heat is beginning here too. I just started turning on the AC. The yarn that came with the kit to make the tie is fairly light weight, but honestly when I saw the picture of it, I couldn't imagine any man wearing it. You are right about Adele wearing it.

My crochet mojo has returned and that certain kind of patience is back.

Project Linus must love you!

chkntza said...

The chicken is adorable. I finished my sampler afghan and I started to knit a scarf. I'm hoping to get it done in time to give as a Christmas gift.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza. Congrats on finishing your afghan. I know what you mean about wanting to finish the scarf for a Christmas gift. Good luck.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Such a cute picture, Betty! Your crocheting is great, as usual. And how fun that Death Among the Stitches is moving right along!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I am glad to have my crochet mojo back. Next up I'm going to make a baby bunny so the chicken hs company.