Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Good News - Maybe!


It’s not resolved yet, but there’s a good possibility that I will be writing another miniseries for Harlequin Romantic Suspense!   I’d come up with another idea since they didn’t want any more in my current Shelter of Secrets series because, with all the stories in it, including two yet to hit the shelves, the shelter wouldn’t have continued to be very secret.  I’m not divulging anything about the new idea except—big surprise!—it’ll involve dogs.  Fingers crossed!

 I’m planning to attend a special Harlequin 75th Anniversary Celebration in Ontario in September. Should be fun! 

It remains hot here in LA, especially in the afternoons. Our AC is getting quite a workout. But my pups don’t seem to mind—although they get their walks in the morning before it’s too bad, and before the pavement can get particularly hot. 

Enjoy your last week of July!



Patty said...

Good morning -- A surprise series -- hurray! Ontario should be a fun place to visit -- I've only been to Toronto and a few small towns that are right across the border from North Dakota. We'd gone to the Peace Garden that is right on the border -- identical gardens on the US and Canadian sides. We could head out on Hwy. 281 from our Texas town and go all the way to the border on that road.

It continues to be hot, hot, hotter here -- 109 is the daytime low this week!! We're more than a month into the monsoon season and so far, only a tiny bit of rain. I just stay in and do lots of crocheting. Saturday is drop-off day for Project Linus and I have eight blankets for them.

Enjoy your day, your writing and you pups.

Linda O. Johnston said...

The conference is actually in Toronto, Ontario, Patty, and I anticipate it will be fun.

Have fun with your crocheting, as always! And stay as cool as possible.

Patty said...

Thanks -- shows how much I know about Canada!!

Betty Hechtman said...

Fingers crossed your new idea becomes a series. I bet the Harlequin trip will be fun!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty. And I certainly hope the trip will be fun!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I should probably have said Toronto instead of Ontario in the first place, Patty!