Friday, July 26, 2024


 As Linda said on Wednesday, it's hot here.  My phone said it's 100 right now and that's in the shade.  The good news is that the hot spell is supposed to end tomorrow.  It's a good time to sit at my computer, so I decided to see if I could change my picture on the blog.  The old one was from the time BLUE SCHWARTZ AND NEFERTITI'S NECKLACE was published and I needed an author photo.  

The photo was done professionally at a Romance Writers of America conference.  The most interesting thing about it was the what the photographer told me- that a comfortable pose was a bad one.  It appears that I was resting my face on my hands, but actually I wasn't--that was the comfortable part that was supposed to make it a good pose.  He did all kinds of stuff to the picture and I never thought it resembled me.

I used it for a long time, but now it's become ridiculous.  Thanks to smart phones, it's easy to take a selfie and get a new picture.

 I had never attempted to change my photo on the blog and imagined all kinds of hassles.  But surprise, surprise, it was easy.

It seemed like I had forever to write MURDER BY THE HOOK since we agreed on a September 30, deadline.  But July has melted.  The back to school stuff is everywhere and Costco has Halloween costumes.  So it's time to get serious and knock those pages out.  I have the yarn for the project, but time to get working on it.

And any day, the copy edit of DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES will show up.

Nose to the grindstone.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Welcome to our hot weather -- it gets down to 100 here at night!! I remember the lovely delta breezes at night in Sacramento.

Years ago, "glamour photos" were all the rage -- several women at work had them done -- most weren't the glamour type!!

School here starts on the 5th of August -- my grandson went for high school orientation yesterday. When I was in school, a student had to go to the school in their district -- here, they can go anywhere they want and are accepted. His friends are scattered all over Phoenix.

Looking forward to your new books. I've been reading a couple by Erma Bombeck -- always a fun read.

I'm making a good dent in my yarn stash -- don't need to buy more yet but maybe soon!! Not really needed but wanted!!

Enjoy your day, your writing and whatever else suits your fancy.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, 100 at night sounds awful. I remember those glamour photos. They had places in the mall.

When I went to school, you went where you lived and we walked to school. When I was Jakey's age, my brother and I came home for lunch. My mother worked and I cooked stuff like Franco American spaghetti.

Erma Bombeck was always funny. My yarn buying has gone way down. It's only when I do a project for a book and want to use currently available yarn. Well, and I bought some glow in the dark yarn to make little ghosts for Halloween.

Last night I started making a little bunny from a kit. It is so different than making a scarf or blanket.

Linda O. Johnston said...

The weather is supposed to get cooler, Betty? I hadn't heard, but that's good news.

And I should attempt to change my photo on the blog too, one of these days. The one that's there now is very old--and though I continue to have Cavalier pups at home, the dog who shows up with me in that photo is no longer with us, though I of course still love her.

Good luck with your writing!