Friday, July 5, 2024

The Tie


 I was determined to finish The Tie so I could post a picture for this week's blog.  I don't think I'm alone, but weaving in all the ends is my least favorite part, particularly since this yarn had a way of popping out.  I have some fabric glue I'm going to use to keep the pesky pop outs in place, but that will have to wait because you have to use it on something dry and I wanted to damp iron the tie to shape it.

I used to iron all the time.  Anybody going to work wearing a dress shirt, got a last minute ironing with a touch of spray starch.  It seemed unthinkable to put on a pair of linen pants that had wrinkles.

All part of a different time.  Nobody around here is wearing dress shirts and I figure linen pants wrinkle when you wear them anyway.

The simple thing of ironing the tie became a whole production.  Someone, not me, rearranged everything on the shelf where the iron was.  The same someone put a file on instruction books for appliances we don't have anymore in a precarious spot, so I had to move (and discard the surprisingly heavy file of instruction books) before I could get to the  iron.  

I have one of those over the door ironing boards, but the same someone who rearranged stuff, also changed the door handle to a lever style one, which blocked the ironing board from unfolding.   I asd able to shift it around just enough so I could lower it.  I had to dust off the iron and then I realized I wasn't sure how to turn it on.  Okay, that was just for a moment and I turned the dial and could feel it heating up.

The rest was the easy part.  I put a wet dish towel over it and ironed and shaped it a bit.  So here at last it is.  It does seem so Adele, doesn't it?


Sally Morrison said...

I really like the tie. Thanks for posting. I also hate tying in the ends. I've tried doing it as I crochet and that does work but I generally forget to do it. I'm going to ask my husband if he would wear that tie.

Happy weekend!

Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- That tie and the finishing was a real project!! I don't remember the last time I used an iron -- my clothes are strictly wash and wear. Years ago, my husband had to have a dress shirt every day -- freshly washed and crisply starched. I remember ironing and watching "All My Children" on tv.

I made one traditional granny square afghan -- made the mistake of making all the squares before joining any of them. I laid them out and rearranged until I was happy with the color combination. That was my one and only afghan with small pieces -- I want to be done when the last stitch is crocheted. The afghan of one big granny square is actually the one for which I get the most requests.

The moss stitch works really well for the narrow scarf "Operation Gratitude" requests -- I thank Molly for reminding me of that group.

Enjoy your day -- predicted to be 117 today so I'll be staying in with the a/c on.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, I showed it to my husband and he claimed he would wear if if he wore ties. My problem with weaving in the ends is that some yarn ends seem to pop out. I'm going to see if the fabric glue helps.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, 117! A good day to stay inside. I will keep the moss stitch in mind when I make one of the scarves. I really like sticking with one project and finishing it, the way I did the tie. I am going to try it with whatever I make next.

chkntza said...

I love the tie! I also don't like weaving in ends so I try to crotchet them in as I go. I also do not like to iron anything. A long time ago when I babysat I got bored just sitting and watching tv when the kids were asleep so I did the ironing. That would not happen now.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, Thank you. I like the tie a little better now. At first, all I could see were the imperfections. Weaving in the ends as you go is a good idea. I'll try it. Ironing seems to be a thing of the past and wrinkles are no longer a problem. I just read that stains in your clothes are in with some influencer types now. It makes it look like you've lived or something. LOL

Linda O. Johnston said...

The Tie looks very nice, Betty.

And ironing? My husband still does some but I try to avoid offering to help!