Friday, August 9, 2024


 The copy edit of DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES is hurling through cyberspace on it's way to my editor.  Along with dealing with the copy editor's comments, I tweaked the whole thing.  It was three very intense days.

I went back to working on the next Molly book, while I let DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES sit before I gave it a last look.

And then I took a break from everything and went to see a production of CLUE at the Los Angeles Music Center.  It was an all around lovely evening.  Theater seems to attract a very civil crowd which made for a nice mood.  The play was short-- an hour and twenty minutes with no intermission.  It was fun with lots of plays on words.  And when it was over, getting to the car and out of the parking lot was quick and easy.

I went with Max which means there is always more.  I was glued to the window as we drove through the city and past areas I haven't been to for years.  We stopped in Larchmont Village and at a very trendy bakery that stays open until eleven.  We picked up bread and cookies before moving on.  It was late and most restaurants were closed, but Canter's Deli still stays open 24/7.  I hadn't been there in years and the place looked the same.  The area around it isn't the same.  The 24/7  nearby newsstand that used to sell newspapers and magazines from all over the world is gone and it's just a lonely corner now.

There was only one strange occurrence in the evening.  Max and I didn't say anything to each other when we arrived at the theater, but later it came out that we both had thought about earthquakes.  It was only after the play when we had turned our phones back on that we found out that during the play an earthquake alert had gone out barely preceding a 5.2 earthquake that was felt all over the area (though not in the theater thankfully).  It's epicenter was in the area we'd passed through on our way home from our trip.  

Life in Southern California.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you've been busy with writing and fun things. Not long after we moved to Palo Alto, Dan and I went to a movie in a theater that had a balcony. The movie had just started when there was an earthquake -- the screen buckled and everyone rushed to get out. Dan said his first thought was to get away from the balcony in case it collapsed. Thank goodness, no serious damage was done but it was scary.

I've done a bit of crocheting on the mitered corner afghan -- just making a small sample to see how I like it. I don't like the looks of adding horizontal rows on one end only so I did some on each end to add length, then did some rows along each long side -- repeated that sequence, and finally put several rows around the entire piece. I like it a lot. I'm using a striped yarn so there aren't a lot of ends to deal with -- always a plus!!

Harris and Walz will rally here today -- the enthusiasm for them is tremendous. They seem so joyful -- great to see.

It's cooling down a bit -- high was only 102 yesterday. There was a short but heavy rain a couple nights ago -- badly needed.

Isn't it strange the thoughts a person has when they wake in the middle of the night -- I woke at 3 a.m. thinking about Three Dog Night singing "Joy to the World" -- Bill Hailey and His Comets "Rock Around the Clock" and Sonny Bono's ex-wife, Susie Coelho!! Why in the world those things came to mind, I have no idea. I even remembered the words to the songs!! "Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine."

And with that I'd better sign off!!

Enjoy your day.

Linda Morgan Osborn said...

I have finally escaped another 6 week stay at my old favorite convalescent center. Kidney infection this time. Kidney stones are my frequent visitors. I was able to read your blog most weeks but my phone {and the electronic system in there] wouldn't let me reply.
I believe it was last week when you discussed your journey to Montery.We loved that road trip. We also always used the inland road to Lake Cachuma when going to Solvang. If you have never been to the outdoor theater in Solvand [summer nights] you must try that.
On one trip we even found the little house my husband's sister had lived in when he was a child. It is in the Hearst area, where she worked at one time at the "castle"
When do you think the new book will be out? Of course Molly is always an uplift to me. Keep up the good work !!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, your earthquake story sounds scary. I was really glad that we didn't feel anything. It sounds like your crocheting is going well.

102 sounds better than 115. It's cooled down into the 90s here which is really average. Harris and Walz are really getting around.

I wonder if your middle of the night thoughts were connected to a dream.
enjoy your day!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I'm sorry to hear about your convalescent stay. I'm glad that you are better.
I do remember going to an outdoor theater back when my husband was in the music business. I remember really liking the venue.
How cool that you found that house. I always wonder about all the memories stored in places like that. I bet she had stories to tell after working at the castle.

We went there once awhile ago and thought about taking Jakey on a tour, but wondered if he would like it. I thought the interior was dark and gloomy when I saw it.

Death Among the Stitches will come out after the first of the year. The next Molly book will hopefully come out in November if I can finish it in time.

I hope you stay well!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Congrats on finishing your edits, Betty. And your seeing Clue sounds like fun. I've been considering it but haven't yet found the time. And I didn't feel the earthquake but heard a very weird sound when it apparently occurred, maybe the universe playing me a song to let me know about it.

Patty Jenkins said...

I wasn't aware of dreaming before my middle-of-the-night thoughts -- and don't know why I'd dream about those things anyway!! But I find myself singing "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" all the time now!! Just to myself, of course.

Enjoy the weekend -- today is my granddaughter's 25th birthday -- we'll be celebrating tomorrow,

chkntza said...

I felt the earthquake. I live on the third floor so I feel most of them. I was moving at the time and when I stopped moving the floor was still moving. That was a weird feeling. I was just at Canter's yesterday for lunch. Walking into that restaurant is like walking into the past.

Betty Hechtman said...

How interesting that you heard a sound but didn't feel the earquake.

Betty Hechtman said...

I hope your granddaughter had a happy birthday.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, That must have been a weird feeling. I'm glad there doesn't seem to have been any damage. Canter's is like a step into the past. We generally go to Brent's. We've been going there since the 70s.

Hannah Rice said...

I’m new to discovering your blog as I make my way through Molly’s stories. But I wanted to share that I saw Clue the play as well. Lots of fun and a good ending. Funny that there was another earthquake here today (I’m in Encino)

Betty Hechtman said...

Hannah, the ending of Clue was great and they did a great job of staging it. I didn't feel that earthquake either. So, you're in Encino. That makes you like a neighbor.