Friday, August 30, 2024


 The final step in my books is going through the proof pages.  It's the last chance to catch typos,  mistakes like someone's name or eye color being one thing in the beginning and something else later on.  I have a whole system for doing it.  Since it comes in a PDF document and I can't make changes on it directly, I send in a list of changes.  

 I sent the list of corrections off into cyberspace on Monday and went through my usual farewell to the book.  And then in the middle of the night, I happened to look at my phone.  This publisher is in the UK, so my middle of the night is their day.  All my goodbyes to the manuscript had been too soon.  They had a professional proof reader go through the proof pages and they had a few queries.  Only one was a typo that I missed.  The others were questions about what a couple of words meant, and there were a couple of repetitions.  I am all about clarity, so I was glad I had the chance to make word changes that someone might not have understood.  

I'd like to say I just went back to sleep after reading the email, but the list of  changes and how I would handle them kept going through my mind like they were on a loop.  I didn't want to get up and take care of them right then,  knowing that would leave me wide awake at four a.m.. Finally I cut the loop and sleep won out.

The good news was that when I got up in the morning and went to my computer, I knew exactly how I wanted to handle the corrections.  And then the list of new corrections was ready to go off into cyberspace and I said goodbye to the manuscript again--really this time.

And that's it.  It's out of my hands, done.  

I didn't waste any time and went right back to working on the Crochet book.  Nothing is more exciting than a work in progress. 


Patty Jenkins said...

Hurray -- looking forward to the new book series and, of course, the next Hookers book.

I spent a couple hours yesterday sorting and organizing my yarn stash. I've been given a box of yarn -- mostly partial skeins of old Red Heart when a skein was eight ounces. I noticed on the labels that the yarn was made in the US -- nowadays so much is from foreign countries -- the quality is very different. About half the yarn is usable -- I'll give what I don't want to a friend who makes mats for an animal shelter -- the pups don't care about the colors!!

My darling daughter has covid again -- this is the third time for her, despite being fully vaccinated and boosted. Apparently vaccines don't protect against all the variants that pop up.

It's very cloudy and gray this morning -- lawn mowing day so I hope rain holds off until that is done.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, what a great idea to donate the yarn for pet mats. I'm sorry that your daughter has covid again. I hope she recovers quickly. I know two people who have gotten covid recently. It was a repeat for one of them and the first time for the other. The good news is that it isn't as serious an illness as it was.

The clouds must be a welcome change. It's supposed to heat up here again next week, but the angle of the sun has changed and the days have gotten shorter, which seems to make it not so bad. It's really cooling off at night.

I finally finished crocheting the tiny rabbit. It took several tries to get his eyes right. Now it's on to the project that goes with the next Molly book.
I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend.

Sally Morrison said...

I'm really looking forward to your new book. So far this year I've read 88 books which included all of your retreat books. I had a major surgery in June so I've had loads of time to read. Your books are entertaining and keep me thinking and bonus encourages me to crochet. Thanks for sharing your talent.

chkntza said...

I'm looking forward to your new book too.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, that's an impressive amount of reading. I hope you are all recovered from your surgery. I'm glad my books kept you entertained.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, I hope you enjoy it.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Congrats on getting those edits done, Betty, despite the difficulties.