Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Fun of Friends and Dogs

             Yes, I felt the earthquake two days ago here in LA this time. My husband and I were talking to one of our sons on the phone at the time, the one who lives about thirty miles west of us—and our son didn’t feel it. Fortunately, I gather there wasn’t much damage anywhere. And this time I didn’t hear any noise on my phone or anywhere ahead of time to indicate it was coming.

             I’ve had a couple of long-time friends visiting my area over the past week and have joined them, with my husband, for a variety of meals in the LA area. Always fun to see them—and to eat out! 

            But yes, I’m still taking the time to research and write the first in my new Harlequin Romantic Suspense series: Enjoyable so far! 

            I’ve also been working on some future travel plans which will involve getting some additional vaccinations. Ugh! 

            And  tonight we’re going to a meeting of the local Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club chapter. Always fun to see other Cavalier lovers, although at this meeting the dogs aren’t invited. But here will be at least one fun day coming up where my pups will get to meet others of their kind.



Patty said...

Good morning -- Glad there was no damage from the earthquake -- they are scary things. My son had pouring rain at his house yesterday -- I live about a mile and a half away and got about a dozen drops!!

Sounds like you've had a busy week with friends and food -- always a good combination.

Vaccinations should icky -- I've never traveled anywhere they were needed. A friend went to Morocco a few years ago and had to have all sorts of shots -- her arm was so sore!!

Enjoy your dog doings and, of course, your writing.

Linda O. Johnston said...

It's always so interesting, Patty, that people who don't live too far away from each other don't always experience the same weather--or earthquakes!

Have a good week!

Betty Hechtman said...

It sounds like you have a nice mix of activities, though the vaccinations can't be fun.