Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Inspiration For Ideas

            I’m always busy trying to come up with new ideas. And when things happen in my life that are out of the ordinary, that often inspires me to try to figure out how I can use them in a new story or series.

             I do have something really different happening soon, so I’ll just have to see whether I can figure out the best way to use it in my writing. More to come about it later, but it has certainly gotten me thinking a lot.

             Will I write about it? Unsure, but I’ll certainly take notes and think about it. I do believe it could wind up being inspirational.

             Have I intrigued you? If so, good! I’m certainly intrigued.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Yes, I am intrigued!! Sounds mysterious. Please write lots of details!!

It is actually cool here this morning -- first day I haven't had to turn on the a/c first thing. The patio door is open and there is a pleasant breeze.

As always, I continue to do a lot of crocheting. I've finished one of the Christmas-gift afghans and started the second. The holiday will be here before we know it!!

Enjoy your day, your pups and your intrigue!!