Friday, September 13, 2024


 At last it is feeling more like fall. The temperature dropped from mind boggling 109 and worse to a high of 85.  But most important, it's really cooling off at night.  It's pumpkin everything at Trader Joe's and Costco started putting up their Christmas stuff.

This month is already slipping by and I'm focused on rewriting  MURDER BY THE HOOK.  It's always a challenge to get what I see as a movie in my head onto paper.  

I spent a whole day looking online at locations.  I always have somewhat of an image in my mind, but it helps to see actual houses and the grounds around them.  Sometimes, I draw layouts of rooms.  In this case, I have been drawing the set up of the grounds.  They are just rough sketches to give me an idea what is where.

With all that's going on around here, it takes me awhile to get into the right frame of mind.  I am on call when Jakey is here and gets hungry.  A friend who works from home air conditioning broke, so she has been working from here until it gets fixed.  The rest of the family either loses stuff which I have to find or just can't find something in the refrigerator.  Really!  

One of the cats usually positions herself under my computer desk.  It's not like the old days when I used to have a number of dogs and cats hanging out in the tiny room I work in.  Kitten, as our tuxedo cat is called even though she must be about nine years old, decided I belonged to her even before she lived with us.  Whenever I visited her former home, she would hang out with me.  Her favorite thing to do then and now is to put her head on my shoulder as she rests against my heart--the way you would hold a baby.

I had a bit of good news. There is an audio offer for DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES.  

And now it's back to Molly and her gang before somebody comes in and needs something.


P.S. How could I have forgotten to mention this.  We had an earthquake this morning. I got an alert on my phone but didn't actually feel it.  However in another part of the house, Jakey and my son did feel it. 


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Glad your weather is cooling -- next week we're expected to have days with highs only in the low 90s -- a big change from the 100+ days we've had of temps well over 100 degrees.

Are you getting smoke from all the fires? I heard about the earthquake -- Southern Cal is getting clobbered.

My son had a calico cat named Kitty -- sweetest cat ever. She was roaming around a store owned by a friend -- the friend kept shooing her away but she seemed to always show up when Danny was there. He loves cats so brought her home -- she lived a good, long life. The cat he has now is the total opposite -- he actually scares me because he likes to attack, then run away. And he can leap higher than any cat I've ever seen -- he's all over the place.

I just noticed today is Friday, the 13th -- are you superstitious?

I've finished one Christmas afghan -- one to go and a big shawl for my daughter. I also want to make a set of placemats and napkins rings in red and green.

Have fun with Molly and her gang -- looking forward to reading about their latest adventure.

Linda D Osborn said...

The earthquake wasn't too bad in Anaheim. The cats just looked at me, and since I didn't panic they just kept staring into space--looking very "cool". It is wonderful to begin to FEEL cool again. This morning it is actually chilly, but I am waiting for a grocery delivery so I have the door open,
Somehow I have always thought Molly's house is a lot like yours, You describe it so well, I have a strong mental picture.
My first group of dresses is officially in Africa. It took my friend 45 hours of flight time. There are some strikes in African airports, so they kept being re routed, That's a longer flight than I could handle !!
Ready for some new books, glad to hear you are busy !!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, It sounds like Kitty picked your son. My Vet told me that cats pick their people. One way or another, it seems like all of the 9 cats we have had over the years picked us. Your son's new cat sounds a little scary.

We haven't gotten smoke here, but the fires are quite far away. You are really prolific with your crochet projects. They must all be so appreciated.

I'm glad your weather cooled too, though 90s is still hot.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I'm glad the earthquake wasn't bad where you are. It was wonderful and a little strange to feel chilly. Wow, 45 hours of flight time. Your friend must be wiped out. It must be a nice feeling to think how happy someone will be to get each of the dresses. I like to think about that when I donate clothes. Maybe because I grew up on hand me downs and rummage sale clothes and I remember loving them.

Patty said...

Cats definitely pick my son. Several years ago, he and his wife walked to their car which was in a fairly empty parking lot. As they got closer, they saw a little yellow kitten near the car. Danny opened the car door and the kitty jumped in. They named it Dexter, though it turned out to be a girl -- very sweet, timid cat.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I love the story. Danny sounds like a good guy. My son has a similar relationship with cats.

chkntza said...

I'm on the third floor and I definitely felt the earthquake. The alarm and the earthquake happened about the same time. My friend just adopted two two month old kittens from Best Friends. They are so cute and fun to play with.