Friday, September 20, 2024


 It definitely feels like fall after a forty degree temperature drop.  To be fair, that was over a week.  But it still felt abrupt.  I had to close windows because it got too chilly inside.  We've had some cloudy days and even the mention of rain.

I don't know about others, but weather comes with a whole package to me.  The cool weather, shorter days and the way the sky looks when it's getting dark, all stir up feelings and memories.  Summer always feels like a light pastel and fall feels moody with darker colors like the burnt orange of pumpkins.  

An  array of soup is back at Costco along with my favorite walnut cranberry bread.

It's a carry over from when I was a kid, but I think of going home as it's getting dark.  Inside activities seem appealing.  Time to use all those crochet kits I bought.

But then it gets all jumbled up when I work on the rewrite of MURDER BY THE HOOK.  It takes place in June and in a fictional town called Pixie in the Ojai Valley.  When it's time to stop for the day, I have to reorient to the here and now.  There are times when it takes a few moments to realize summer is over instead of just starting.

I'm writing about the time of the summer solstice and we're about to have the first day of fall.


Sally Morrison said...

I miss Fall in the Midwest. The only change of color here in Central Florida is the license plates as snowbirds begin to return. Oh well. To take care of my Fall homesickness I decorate my house with pumpkins and Halloween decorations. I start in late August. Definitely lifts my spirits. Might be my imagination but it is a little cooler today. Happy weekend!

Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Fall is definitely in the air -- it is almost chilly in the mornings, which is great after the hot summer we've had. Fall brings back lots of memories -- raking leaves with Grandpa, and then burning piles of them in the ditch in front of our house. That would be such a no-no now. School always started the day after Labor Day and it would be sweater weather.

I love cranberry nut bread -- haven't had Costco's 'cause I don't go there but my son does so I'll have him look for some. I have a recipe called Nantucket Cranberry Bread -- oh, so good. The cranberries are put in the batter while they are frozen and they burst in the heat of the oven -- totally delicious.

This weather is definitely perfect for crocheting. I'm making a good dent in my stash and I rewarded myself by ordering a few skeins of a color called Baby Stripes -- pretty pastels.

I'm giving up on my avocado sprouting -- the one I have has sent out lots of roots and a tiny green sprout from the top -- I was thinking "finally, success!!" Then the sprout turned black and is hard has a rock!!

Monday, the 23rd, will be Floyd's and my 23rd wedding anniversary -- we'd been married 16 years when he passed away. Oct. 7 will be Dan's and my 70th anniversary -- we had 45 years together.

Enjoy your day, your rewriting and whatever crocheting you can fit in. You mentioned working on all the kits you'd gotten over the year -- I always straightened my craft room on New Year's Day and one year I figured how much I'd spent over the previous year on kits I hadn't made, magazines I'd not read -- I mended my ways!!

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, fall in the Midwest is nice. I usually go to Chicago in October for just that reason. It's nice that you bring the fall colors inside. I hope it really is cooler for you. Happy Weekend to you!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I remember when they used to rake up the leaves along the curb and have bonfires.

Your idea about using frozen cranberries sounds great. I bet it would work in muffins. The Costco bread is great because they put in a lot of walnuts and cranberries.

Will all your crocheting you must keep your stash down. You had two long marriages!

I don't have that many kits. They are all for small toys. I like the kits because it's all right there and they came with great instructions. I hope to use the patterns with some of my stash. I am still making the squares for the project in the Molly book. I always buy yarn for projects in the books to make sure that is available.

Too bad about the avocado seed. I have yet to try it.

Anonymous said...

Avocado fun--my husband {48 years}never gave up trying to start a tree. Finally a friend looked over his sad little display of seeds on toothpicks.,and commented that it might work if he didn't have the seeds upside down !!