Friday, October 4, 2024

The Cat in a Hat

 You wouldn't know it was October by the weather.  The heat came back with a vengeance.  Though it is not as bad as the summer.  The days are shorter and the angle of the sun different.  The temperature drops at night giving everything a chance to cool off.

I'm all mixed up in my head about the seasons anyway. MURDER BY THE HOOK takes place around the summer solstice.  When I stop working for the day, I have to remind myself that summer is not just starting.

I read an interesting story  this morning about s real cat in a hat, actually it's cats in hats.  Crocheted cat hats are being used to measure their brainwaves.  Up until now, they could only measure the felines brainwaves  if they were sedated.  It seemed like the cats played with the wires if they were awake.

The crocheted caps have the electrodes in them and most of the cats seem okay with wearing them.  They looked very cute in the picture.

I'm not really comfortable with experimentation on animals since it is often cruel, but this seems okay.  The point of measuring their brainwaves has to do with helping the cats deal with arthritis pain and finding ways to help them with things like colors and scents.

Now it's back to the rewrite.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Our weather has warmed up as has yours -- 109 predicted for today. It's pleasant enough at the moment that the patio door is open and there's a bit of a breeze.

When you mentioned the cat in the hat, I thought of the Dr. Seuss book. A friend in our little Texas town did a one-room school program each year for the elementary grades. We helped her by reading to the kids -- I read a book I've had since I was about 8 years old called "What About Willie," a little tortoise shell kitten looking for a home. My husband read the Cat in the Hat book -- I fashioned a hat for him out of construction paper -- looked good!! He was such a ham -- the kids loved it.

I'm about two-thirds done with the cross stitch blanket -- the crosses should all line up and I discovered I was off one stitch somewhere along the line. The mistake was two rows back and I really didn't want to unravel all that much so I fudged and squished an extra stitch in the row. It really doesn't show and I doubt any kid is going to count stitches!! I'm anxious to get started with the new striped and ombre yarns -- beautiful colors.

My almost-64-year-old son is meeting today with two friends he's known since kindergarten -- one lives here, the other is visiting from Sacramento. He keeps in touch with so many people he's known for many years -- including old girl friends!! I even email with one who was very special!!

Enjoy your day and your writing -- I'm anxious for a new book to read.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, it's a little cooler here today. I bet the kids loved having your husband read to them. I have some of my childhood books that I read to my son and now to Jakey.

Good move to add the stitch. I'm sure you're right that nobody will notice. It's nice that your son is still in contact with his old friends. I am still in contact with two sisters that I have known since I was 2.

Enjoy your day. I am working hard to finish this book with all that's going on around me.

Linda Osborn said...

The motto of every crafter and seamstress is 'ignore it or hide it ' i decided that years ago. The usual customer or gift recipient does not count stitches as Patty said. My daughter was painting t shirts for a while, and she was throwing them away if she got a tiny mark anywhere .I quickly taught her to paint a tiny bug or design over the bad spot--it looks like it belongs there . I have been known to add unusual buttons or bows to doll dresses in essential spots. Artists improvise !!