Friday, January 24, 2025

Ready for some Rain

 I just read that there have been 15 days of high wind warnings in January.  The wind is churning the lime tree outside my window yet again.  By now all the super dry blowing air is getting on my nerves and even working on the crochet piece isn't helping.

The good news is that if the weather people are right, we are almost at the end of the siege.  According to the local NBC weather prediction on my phone, the winds should begin to recede in a few hours.  And we should have some rain by the weekend.

I am ready for some gloomy skies.

Santa Ana winds are known to stir up the bad kind of ions.  It's the opposite from the good ones you feel next to a water fall or at the ocean.  I think of it as like petting a cat going the wrong way on their fur.  

I did the author takeover with the Facebook cozy mystery group.  It was a learning experience for me.  There were the mechanics of how to schedule posts over a two hour span along  and then keeping track of the posts as they appeared and responding to comments.  I am always glad to learn something new.

And now to get back to MURDER BY THE HOOK.  I got the edits back from my editor.  I was anxious to see his comments.  I'm always worried there is some big hole in the story that I somehow missed.    I was super relieved and happy that he sent me a long email with all the things he likes about the manuscript and only one suggested change (he is right about it). I am looking forward to going through the manuscript.

And with the change in weather, I'll be ready to get back to crocheting that little cat.  


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- January has indeed been a trying month -- bring on some rain and no wind!! It's been cold here -- January is always the coldest month -- I'm ready for warmer weather.

Are you happy with the granny rectangle? I'm working on a cross-stitch blanket -- one of my favorite patterns. Most of my skeins of yarn are in clear tubs so I can see what I have -- I also have a big basket stacked with various skeins. Sorted through them and discovered some I'd forgotten about -- a nice surprise!!

The Game Show Network has been showing old "Jeopardy" shows with Alex Trebek -- the ones with Ken Jennings winning game after game. Yesterday I actually correctly knew the final question -- Ken and I were the only ones!!

Looking forward to "Murder By the Hook." I need a Molly fix!

Enjoy your day and your crocheting.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, it finally feels like the wind is gone. Not a leaf is stirring this morning. And then tomorrow is when the rain is supposed to start. It feels different.
I had to change the pattern you sent me for the rectangular granny square. It had it so the first round and three clusters on each side and one cluster at the top and bottom. I had to change it to two clusters on the side as three wouldn't fit. It makes it a more subtle rectangle, but I like it.

A cross stitch blanket sounds like embroidery. I keep finding surprise stashes of yarn.

My husband worked for the company that brought back Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I think Alex Trebek lived in Tarzana. We ran into him once and he was the nicest man. Same with Pat Sajak.

I am looking forward to getting MURDER BY THE HOOK out. I am going over it now and I really like how it turned out. I should be hearing about the cover soon.
Have a great weekend.

Sally Morrison said...

We've had near freezing temps here in Orlando. And I'm sure you've seen on the news, snow in northern Florida. Crazy times for sure.
Crochet has been my go-to project. I'm working on yarn bombing a chair. It's fun.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I definitely hope we get the predicted rain this weekend, Betty--but that it doesn't cause the mudslides that are also predicted after the fires. And congrats on the good response to your manuscript!

Patty said...

Does the pattern I sent have a picture of the rectangle and says it was scanned by somebody? I've probably made a hundred rectangle granny blankets using that pattern and never had a problem. Admittedly, the first couple of rows are a bit tricky but it does make the two-cluster corner. I just finished one.

Patty said...

I just made the first four rows of a granny rectangle, following the pattern exactly. Corners had two clusters. As I said, the first few rows are a bit tricky but it works.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, yarn bombing-- how fun! It's crazy where there has been snow and cold. Crochet is the best to relax with.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda O. Johnston, hopefully, it will be enough rain to put out any left over fires and clean the air, but not cause any problems. I'm always relieved when my editor doesn't find anything major.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, the pattern you sent has a color picture of a rectangle. It looks like the yarn in it was thinner than the worsted weight I was using. Anyway, making the small change I made seems to be working out.

Miriam Lubet said...

It rained here in West Hollywood Saturday night and Sunday. My friend in Beverly Hills had hail. I'm finishing two afghans. I'm also looking forward to the next book.

Betty Hechtman said...

Miriam, nice to finish projects. We had rain and hail in Tarzana, but the ground is so thirsty that as soon as it stopped raining everything started to dry up.