Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Happy March!

            Yes, the third month of the year has started. Boy, does time pass fast these days!

            But nothing much different to report now. I’m working on the second story in my latest Harlequin Romantic Suspense series, plus researching and more. Plus, I’m giving a talk later this month at the Union Oil Company Alumni meeting. I was an in-house real estate attorney for Unocal, but the company is long gone now. Some of the old timers still get together now and then. I’ll be talking about writing, along with another alumna who’s moved away but will participate on Zoom.

            And yes, I’m back from our trip visiting family in Indiana. Great to see them, including our grandsons. But it’s always wonderful to be greeted by our pups.

            And to get back to serious writing!


Sally Morrison said...

You're brave to travel to Indiana in March. You never know what will happen with the weather. We've been enjoying some great weather here in Central Florida though we need rain.
I've been meaning to ask. What is the title of your first book? Is it still available?

Patty said...

Good morning -- Time certainly does fly -- the news was showing some celebration in New Orleans being curtailed because of weather -- I didn't realize it was Mardi Gras time.

Always fun to visit with family -- well, most always -- I have a couple relatives I could do without!! We traveled through Indiana some years ago -- stopped in a small town for lunch. The owners recognized our Texas accent and said they were originally from there -- named a tiny town about 20 miles from where we lived!!

As always, I've been doing a lot of crocheting -- my goal is a blanket a week to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. So far, so good. My birthday is next month and I've been getting asked what I want as a gift -- I say yarn!!

Enjoy your meetings, your writing and your pups,

Linda O. Johnston said...

We were really fortunate with the weather, Sally. We arrived a day or so after a big snow storm but it had warmed enough that there wasn't a lot left on the ground. While we were there we saw some flurries, but that was all. And it wasn't even very cold.
Do you mean my very first book? That would be A GLIMPSE OF FOREVER, a time travel romance published by Love Spell. I checked and there may be a copy available on Amazon. Or, I could possible send you one. Contact me at my email address and we can discuss it!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I'm definitely happy visiting with family, Patty--this group in particular! And how fun that you met a former neighbor when you visited Indiana.

That's really sweet of you, donating those blankets you crocheted to Ronald McDonald House. And Happy Birthday in advance! Hope you continue to get more yarn.

Have fun crocheting!