Sunday, December 29, 2013

Book Launches, Parties, and Blog Tours, Oh My!

great escape tour banner small murder strikes a pose

January is the launch of my first yoga mystery, Murder Strikes a Pose, and I will be going blog crazy!   Through January 20, my Whole Life Yoga and Killer Hobbies blog posts will be devoted to the blog articles and events below.  After that, it will be back to articles on yoga tips, research, practices, and techniques, with an occasional writing blog thrown in for good measure.

Murder Strikes a pose will be available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and other e-readers as early as January 1.  It will be available online at Amazon as well as retailers and bookstores everywhere on January 8. You can pre-order any time!

Thanks to Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours for sponsoring the blog tour below.  Each stop will provide unique content, so don't miss any.  You might just learn some of my deep, dark secrets!
A free autographed copy of Murder Strikes a Pose will be given away at each stop!

And, for those of you in Seattle, a couple of in-person events. 
Hugs and prizes will be available at both events--and at Whole Life Yoga, vegan chocolate mousse cake! I hope to see you there!

Tracy Weber

Come visit Whole Life Yoga in Seattle, and check out Tracy Weber's author page for information about the Downward Dog Mysteries series.  MURDER STRIKES A POSE is available for preorder now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Whole Life Yoga, and other retailers!


Linda O. Johnston said...

Love it, Tracy! And it looks as if I should do a similar post on Wednesday since my own Great Escapes Blog Tour also starts on January 2.

Tracy Weber said...

Thanks, Linda! Best of luck to you on your blog tour. I LOVE your books!

Betty Hechtman said...

Good luck on your blog tour. Having a first book out is very exciting. Enjoy it!

Tracy Weber said...

Thanks, Betty! I am!