Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I get to watch hummingbirds frequently while I write. 

While at my computer in my office, I can see through a couple of other rooms in my house and out the picture windows overlooking part of the San Fernando Valley.  My husband has hung hummingbird feeders of different types where I can easily see them.

Yes, the sight does interrupt my writing a bit, but not much.  Still, it's fun to see one bird eating from the new feeder, or the older feeder, or flitting from one to the other.  It's also fun when a couple come and join each other at the same feeder on opposite sides.  If there are more than one, though, they're most likely chasing each other off.

We also have another feeder hung closer to our backyard but it doesn't seem nearly as popular.  And I do try to be careful about when I move anywhere near the windows since the hummingbirds appear to be watching inside, and movement usually scares them off.

Are the hummingbirds inspirational?  Well, they haven't given me new story ideas... yet.  But it is certainly enjoyable to watch them!

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