Friday, September 25, 2020


 It has been a better week. The other two cats seem to be okay without Spyderman.   The black cat with white mitten we call Kitten has become my lap cat.  She even came over the back of my chair and over my shoulder when I was working at the computer.

Buttercup has picked up a habit a lot of our previous cats have had.  She comes when I'm having my morning coffee and wants attention.

I am down to the wire with this manuscript.  I think the title is going to be ONE FOR THE HOOKS.  I'm either working on it or thinking about it.  Not that my family seems to notice.  I still get "what's for dinner?" and nobody else seems to be able to take the trash out.  

My grandson was coming over, so I had to go to Target last night to get him a giant bubble wand.  Tonight it was a trip to the Amazon Fresh store that opened up nearby to get one of their pizzas.  The box is so big, it won't even fit in a cart and costs a mere 8.99..  And both nights it was back to work when I got home.  Just a hint, we always seem to be at stores when they're closing.  

I just stopped working on the manuscript and it's after midnight.  I'm stopping now because the kitchen trash needs to be taken out and the left overs of that giant pizza need to be wrapped and put in the refrigerator.  

I laughed when a doctor I used to have said he thought writers just sat around all day tinkering on their computers. 


Linda O. Johnston said...

How great that your remaining kitties help you deal with your loss, Betty. You definitely sound busy with your shopping, taking trash out--and, of course, your writing!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, Taking out the trash gives me a chance to air out my mind. It's great when I get stuck. Getting away from the computer for even a few minutes seem to stoke my imagination.