No problem thinking of something to write about this week. It took some wrangling, but once California opened up the vaccine to everyone over 65, we managed to get appointments for the shots. When I say wrangling, it meant dealing with a confusing website that had conflicting information and changed over night. We were able to get appointments for the both of us at Magic Mountain, which is an amusement park located on the 5 freeway just before the part of the road that was closed due to weather.
The sky was a leaden gray and cold for Southern California which meant that the temperature hovered around fifty degrees. We had an appointed time but had no idea how exact that was going to be. I’d heard that several days earlier the wait time at Dodger Stadium was five hours. We brought snacks and drinks and headed out. Traffic was light and we arrived at our appointed time. It was an odd sight to see the roller coasters looming in the distance and we went through the parking kiosks. This time there was no one collecting any fees despite the posted 25 dollar fee. There wasn’t anybody in the kiosks at all. It was clear sailing until the car in front of us stopped and we saw that we had joined a long line of not moving cars. Ahead all we could see were some distant tents with endless cars between us and the enclosures.
The view was pretty desolate– brownish mountains and a cold sky that threatened to turn rainy. The line of cars began to move slowly and pretty soon the zig zaggy line became apparent. Eventually we passed the first checkpoint. A woman with shrouded in plastic with a mask and a face shield asked to see our Ids and appointment form which I had on my phone. She was extremely friendly which surprised me considering the number of people there and the setting. We inched up a bit and our temperatures were taken by another very pleasant person.
There was more zig zagging and finally we were directed into a line going into the covering where the actual shots were given. There were about 15 spots. A car in the line next to us died and the passenger had to get out and push the SUV up as it inched forward. It was something to watch while we continued our caterpillar crawl toward our goal. Eventually and before the people in that car got their shot, five security people came out and pushed the SUV through and off to the side. I don’t know if they ever got their shots. The last I saw the hood was up on the vehicle.
Finally we were up. There were some questions like which arm do you want the shot in and do you have allergies. Our driver’s license were taken to log something in and it was time to get it. The woman who gave the shot to me was fantastic. How many shots had she already given and how many more was she going to give and yet she treated me as if I was the only person getting it. She was friendly, kind and most all so good at what she did, I didn’t even feel it. We were given out licenses back along with a card with an appointment for the second shot.
Then we moved on to the waiting area. Another very pleasant woman came up to the car and asked how we were. Since we were fine after 15 minutes we were free to go. All together we were there about three hours. As we sailed out of the place a long line was waiting including someone we knew. Apparently, they got through the whole thing in about an hour and a half, so apparently timing makes a difference. Our appointment was at 11:30 while there’s was at 3:00.
So far the only effect I noticed was minor pain in my arm. It is a huge relief. I am on the way to rejoining the world.
It seems miraculous that there is a vaccine and perhaps this nightmare will end. I haven't heard of any states where the sign-up process is easy. After a long morning of phone calls and navigating a website I secured appointments for the vaccine for me and my husband in downtown Orlando at the end of February. Hoping it actually happens. What a strange time we live in. But then I remember getting a polio vaccine on a sugar cube when I was in elementary school a gazillion years ago. I believe all of the kids were excited to get out of class and get a sugar cube. Happy weekend.
So happy for you! We are 64 and early retirees so I think we are last on the list.
Our county does drive thru flu shots and I have done those for years. So much easier. I had figured out the time to get there for no waiting and it is a breeze. Our insurance does not cover "well care" which is a flu shot, so I always make arrangements in advance and verify what kind of payment they prefer.
Glad to hear you are doing ok with the shot. I have heard good and bad reports, so haven"t made up my mind what to do about getting a shot. I am close to the Disneyland lot, so that will be my goal if I go.
I never get flu shots, my mother in law used to get violently ill from her shot every year--yet she always went back like clockwork !!
Sally, I am surprised they're setting appointments so far in advance. By then they will probably have it more organized. We made our appointment late last week for this past Wednesday. They were only making appoints for this week. We made our appointment on Monday and got Wednesday. I thought of the polio vaccine, too. I remember waiting in line at my elementary school for the shot (it was before the sugar cube). I also remember that every summer polio was a worry and it was a relief to get the vaccine.
It is a strange time. I think of that every time I go out and see a sea of faces wearing masks and how they've become fashion statements or in some cases political ones. But I remember getting quarantined when my brother and I had measles. Also being shut away from everyone when I had scarlet fever. This too shall pass.
Miss Merry, I have heard talk that they are going to do the vaccine by age and I think they were talking about 50 and above. Things are getting more organized by the minute. I's only been a little over a week that the new administration started dealing with the vaccine. Fingers crossed you're able to get yours soon. At least in California, there is no charge.
Linda, I have never gotten a flu shot, haven't gotten any shots of any kind for as long as I can remember. My family was surprised that I got the vaccine. But after reading about how it works, I decided this one was worth getting. I can't speak how it will be after the second shot, but I felt pretty much nothing after the first one. I'm sure the Disneyland one is well organized and hopefully wouldn't take that long.
I'm not sure who organized the one at Magic Mountain, but other than it taking a while, it ran smoothly and all the people we dealt with were exceptionally nice.
I am hoping cvs will start giving the shots soon. I don't really want to travel ten miles to get a shot and get stuck waiting in a long line far from home. I remember the polio shot and the sugar cube. I'm glad you got yours. I never used to get a flu shot either until I got really sick from the kids in my classroom and then I had to beg for a shot because I was too young in those days. How things have changed.
Wow, Betty, that sounds like quite an experience. Maybe I'll describe mine one of these days. And just wait--shot number two isn't too far off!
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