Friday, March 12, 2021

It Started with a Broken Washing Machine

 My washing machine broke.  Well, it is 15 years old and I have never really liked it anyway.  It’s one of those front loaders HE machine that were the “thing” 15 years ago.  The deal I had with myself that as long as it worked, I ‘d keep it.  So, I’m sort of relieved it broke.

But there’s a problem.  In the 15 years I’ve had it, things got moved around in my house and there was no way to get it out and a new one in.  It had to do with boxes of my books that came in the front door and kind of stayed there.

Everything is always convoluted.  In order to move all those boxes of books, I had to move other things in a closet.  The closet is very long and I had ignored the back of it for years.  As I started going through things I was shocked to realize  how long some of the stuff  had been sitting there and I started thinking about time.

The bright orange outfit I wore for Tai Chi is over twenty years old and yet it doesn’t feel that long ago.  So, then I started thinking of twenty years forward and wondered would it go as quickly and unnoticed?  I won’t even say how old that will make me.  I want time to slow down.  To look at every moment and not let them slip by unnoticed.

Maybe not every moment. I hardly wanted to linger on the moments I was lugging those boxes of books. Though when I looked in the boxes and saw copies of books that I’d written, I did feel a sense of achievement.  The are almost all moved now and when I finish today, I’ll order the new washing machine.  

I’m looking forward to getting a top loader that doesn’t have to sit on a pedestal and take up way too much room, along with making too much noise.  And the side effect is my entrance hall is cleared out now so it looks like it does in the Crochet Mysteries.   I have been sharing my house with Molly for the series and I couldn’t help but look around the newly cleared out space and imagine her life changing scene right where I was standing in ONE FOR THE HOOKS which comes out in August. 


Linda O. Johnston said...

It's never fun to have to replace a major appliance, and your replacement sounds particularly tricky. But it sounds as if the good part of it is achieving some organization. Congrats! I admire you.

chkntza said...

Enjoy your new washing machine!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, It is a good feeling to have my entrance hall clear. And I'm kind of amazed that I managed to do it all by myself. It made me feel like I could do anything.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, picking a washing machine turned out to be full of trauma. All I knew for certain was that I wanted to get one from Costco because they are so good on returns if something doesn't work. I just wanted a top loader that would wash clothes. I only use a couple of settings. I started to read reviews of the different machines which was distressing since all the ones they had in stock had people saying the machines didn't use enough water, their clothes came out dirty, or full of holes. I finally found one that seemed to have positive reviews. It was just a basic machine no bells and whistles. So, I ordered it and then my family went nuts when they heard it wsa smaller than the others. So, I cancelled it and started the search all over again. But this time I asked Google what was the best washing machine. One of the websites talked about Whirlpool They've been around forever. They make the machines in Benton Harbor, Michigan. There was a particular machine listed, which turned out to be in stock at Costco. It's coming Tuesday. Family is already calling dibs on who gets clean clothes first.

Linda Osborn said...

I always go with a pretty basic model. If you had one that made it 15 years, you were charmed. I've actually gotten good deals at Best Buy the last two times--Costco seems a little high on prices. Now that it is my "private" machine, I hope to get many years out of this one !

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I went with Costco because of their return policy. As it turned out, it was an easy experience. I can't say enough good things about their delivery and set up. So far, so good with the new one. I guess I have been lucky. The first washing machine last about twenty years, the second fifteen and this last one about fifteen. I barely use the dryer and hang stuff outside, so I didn't replace the dryer. Good luck with your washer!