Wednesday, May 19, 2021

New Word


I’m writing this blog in the newest version of Word.  Yes, as I mentioned before, I’ve made the change. 

Till now, I’d been using a very old one and was quite happy with it. But this past couple of weeks, I’d been working on edits for an upcoming book, and the editor I was working with had trouble dealing with the marked, edited version. That was the first time that had happened and I’m not sure why, possibly because the publisher had updated or changed the program it was using. 

And so, especially since I have more books to come for that publisher, I very nervously upgraded. 

I’m still attempting to learn how to use the new version of Word. Some things are obvious and easy—and some are less clear and difficult.  I’ve even met with a Geek Squad member at Best Buy for some guidance, but even he didn’t know how to tell me how to achieve some of the things I want in the new program. 

I’ll keep at it and will hopefully learn what I need to, at least eventually. Not even my dogs’ sweet presence has helped me relax as I try this. And if you have any suggestions about how to help me learn, please let me know!

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