Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Still Learning

 Yes, I’m still learning to use the newest version of Word. A techie I’m not.  I’m making some progress but not as much, or as fast, as I’d like.  But I’m making notes when I figure out something new that I’ll need to use again. Fortunately, I’m between deadlines, since I’m progressing slowly. But I am progressing. 

One of my issues is downloading documents from the cloud I’m using to save most things now, in the correct version of Word.  I’m sure that’s simple to many, but something’s not yet coordinated between the two computers I use most. 

Anyway, I am keeping at it, still learning, continuing to improve, which is a good thing, of course. 

And I’m excited that I received my author’s copies already for my next Harlequin Romantic Suspense book, Her Undercover Refuge, which is the first in my new Shelter of Secrets series.  It’s an August release!

 Right now, I have to go give my older dog, Mystie, a hug. She’s been a bit lethargic now and then, but attention seems to help. And she still gets a lot of attention from her sort-of sister, Cari!


Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, taking notes on how to do stuff in the new version of Word sounds like a good idea. I've done it with the switching of versions that I do. The trouble with the "Help" option is that unless you phrase the question just right, there is no help. It's the difference between asking a person who can figure out what you mean and typing into a rigid program. Good luck!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty. I'll try anything that makes sense, including making notes when I figure something out, most likely accidentally! And I'd imagine I'll ask Geek Squad some more, too.