I am still trying to recover from my frustrating computer day. I was hoping to start off my day by meditating. I purchased a number of meditations from some that Deepak Chopra and Oprah did together and which were supposed to be available on their website in my library to play online forever. But when I tried to go to their website, I got a message that the certificate expired yesterday which seems they didn't renew the domain name. I sent an email through an app I have and received no answer. A mistake? I used the website a few days ago and there was no problem or a note that it wouldn't work past a certain date.
I gave up on mediating and went right to dealing with an email from my editor about BUT KNOT FOR ME. The first pass pages or galleys were available for my review in a pdf attachment he sent. It was always so easy dealing with pdf files with my old computer. Adobe reader came with the computer and when I downloaded the galleys or first pass pages, they went right into the program. But not with the new computer. My head is still swirling from going in circles about Adobe programs that will let me edit. I downloaded one for a trial and then realized it was a subscription service which I didn't want and so uninstalled it.
Then when I switched to my Apple laptop, the mail was all screwed up. After too much wasted time I realized it had somehow made one of email accounts inactive. I feel like little gremlins go in my computer when I'm not looking and make changes just to drive me crazy.
I honestly wanted to throw in the towel. There was something else going on. I was doing all this while having the care, feeding and entertainment of my grandson which was supposed to be an hour while they got their covid boosters, but turned into all day. BTW,I got mine the other day. No after effects other than taking a nap the day after.
I finally worked out how to handle the pdf thing, though haven't actually done it yet. I ran out of patience to deal with anything frustrating, hours ago. But I'm pretty sure if I download Adobe Reader which is supposed to be free, I should be able to put the proof reading pages of BUT KNOT FOR ME in there. I found a YouTube video that showed how I should be able to drag the file into Word and then be able to edit it. And then use save as to make it a pdf file again.
Maybe tomorrow.
Good luck. I used to be the computer guru in my office when I was working. Now that I am retired, I find it the most frustrating thing ever. No updates or improvements make life easier for me.
Sending you loads of good thoughts and wishes for good luck. Technical issues are like math to me. I have no idea what's going on. Hope you get some down time for the weekend.
I would like to suggest that all fans who want to see more crochet books write a note to the editor. I personally loved the ending to book 14, but there's always room on the shelf for more !!
Miss Merry, there always seems to be something new to figure out. It's no wonder the Geek Squad has so much business.
Sally, I worked everything out. Yay! Not without making mistakes, though. But I triumphed in the end. It just took me close to an hour of typing over and over that I wanted to cancel the subscription to an Adobe service I had just purchases. They had Indian sounding names and seemed to be very far away by how long it took them to get my comments and for me to get theirs. If it hadn't been so annoying, it would have been laughable. I was cancelling because the service didn't work and they kept trying to sell me an upgrade.
Linda, thank you for the suggestion. I will post something about it on Facebook. It means a lot that you would like to see more books.
I identify with your frustration, Betty. I'm very un-techie and always need advice on new things. I even had to upgrade my Word program recently thanks to an editor telling me so!
Linda, the new version of Word turned out not to be so bad. The hardest part was downloading it.
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