I am writing this with bleery eyes. This week has not gone as I planned. I am glad that I'm between manuscript deadlines. It started on Monday. My husband was having some elective surgery. It required getting him to Kaiser early in the morning and then waiting at home to get updates and finally a few hours after, pick him up.
All that went according to plan, but his recuperation didn't. Two days after it instead of feeling better, he was in horrible pain. So it was back to Kaiser and the doctor's office. The doctor was off doing surgery and he saw a nurse. As we left, she said to me if he had had more trouble to go to the ER. And that's where we were at midnight, joining a crew of sick people needing care. Two hours after we checked in, they took him in the back. It's still kind of iffy if you can wait in the waiting room, so I went home expecting to come back and pick him up.
The time dragged by as I watched TV, too worried that I'd miss the phone call or text to fall asleep. Still it was much better than the harshly lit, though very new ER waiting room. Finally, I began to get texts from him. They had done a lot of blood tests and were given him antibiotics intravenously. By 5:30, he said he'd be able to leave in 45 minutes once they got result back from a blood test.
And then at 6:00, he said they were admitting him to the hospital, because the tests results weren't good. He had an infection and was bleeding. It would be 2 to 3 days there. The good news was that he seemed to feel a little better and not in such pain.
I turned off the lights when it was already light outside and fell into bed. I had things to do and couldn't sleep all day, even if I wanted to, which I didn't. I have always felt out of sorts and depressed if I sleep too late. I was up by 11:00 with a burst of energy that didn't last.
He needed a cord to charge his phone and some other things. No visitors allowed, so I had to walk around in circles through all the tents set up to check people before they're allowed in until I found the security booth where I could leave the things which a nurse would pick up.
His test results still aren't looking good, so now on top of the tiredness is worry. Infections aren't to be messed with.
By now, I'm too tired to doing anything that requires too much attention, concerned that I'll zone out and make mistakes.
I'm hoping that a good night sleeps will put me back on track so I can resume my yearly fight with Quickbooks as I put together everything for the family business taxes. I hope to hear that the antibiotics are working and that the test results are better and he can look forward to coming home over the weekend. We already got him a Superbowl shirt to wear to replace what he wore on the way in. I'm sure his mood will be better then. I know mine will be.
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I hope you both can get a good night's sleep and things look better in the morning.
Thank you, Miss Merry. A good nights sleep did me a wonder of good.
That is a really rough week. I'm so sorry and hope that your husband gets well soon.
We figured out that the best way to get in the emergency room is by paramedic. When my husband had cancer we made many trips back and forth to emergency. Finally he fell on a Saturday night--NO BODY wants to wait in the emergency room on Sat. night!-- and we couldn't get him up. I finally called, and paramedics took him right in the side door , of course.
thank you, Sally. I bounced back to my usual cheerful self. Husband is on the mend and coming home shortly.
Linda Osborn, that must have been very hard for you. You are right about not wanting to wait in an ER on a Saturday night. It was bad enough on a Wednesday night. I think they take anyone in a life threatening situation right away, but all the other people waiting seemed pretty uncomfortable and I felt really bad for them, particularly a woman and a boy about 8.
I was so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he will recover and feel better soon and come home so you both can get some sleep.
Oh, Betty, so sorry to hear what your husband and you went through. So glad he's doing better now, and hopefully he's home. And I'm also sorry I didn't comment sooner but I haven't been on the computer much this week, which I'll talk about in my blog tomorrow.
Chkntza, it's amazing what a good night's sleep can do. All is better now.
Linda, he's home and doing better. I'm anxious to read your blog and find out what you've been up to.
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