Friday, May 20, 2022


 I'm still working on the rewrite of SENTENCED TO DEATH which is due at the end of the month.  But of course life keeps intruding.  

This week among things like dealing with accounting software that won't work anymore after the end of the month, I'm dealing with a garbage disposal that drains slowly, so the dishwasher backs up in the sink when it drains because it goes through the garbage disposal.  The garbage disposal is very old, so old I don't remember getting it or if it's the one that came with the house. I picked a replacement at Costco that was on sale and is much trimmer than the one we have. 

I would have called our regular plumber to put it in, assuming that's the problem with the sink, but I wanted to have the water filter replacement so he could do that too.  He always tells me it's easy, but it require going under the sink and turning off the water.  I used to do things like that, but not anymore.  Unfortunately, getting the replacement water filter wasn't s easy as getting the new garbage disposal.

It was hard to find in stores and  last year I ordered it from Amazon, so I tried to repeat it this year. When it didn't come in a couple of days, I checked "my orders" and saw that it had been picked up on Monday, then there were two messages at 3:00 and 7:00 on Tuesday that there were delays with no explanation.  The top of the screen said it was expected to be delivered Wednesday or Thursday.  Today  (Thursday)when I checked there were no more details on where the water filter actually was.  UPS tell you pretty much where a package is.  I know because I just went through it with my Apple Watch which went through a bunch of delays.  But Amazon said my water filter would be delivered today (with no detail of which day of the week they were referring to).  Underneath was a message that if I didn't get it today, tomorrow I could get a refund (no mention of exactly what day of the week they meant).

It's already almost 9:00 pm, and no package.  

So instead of working on the rewrite I am debating my options.  So much for convenience.


Linda Osborn said...

We have a lot of similar trials. My garbage disposal quit {2 years old}, Kitchen sink backing up, don't dare try dishwasher. Toilet in guest bathroom keeps running, water bill jumped way up. My son said to turn off the water to it for now, I don't have much company anyway!! Now my leg has "puffed" up and is seeping fluid. Dr. is out of town, so had to go to Urgent Care.
Any way, perhaps we could convince one of our sons to become plumbers. I need my husband, like Molly needs Barry.

On the subject, sort of, have you watched Windy City Rehab ? A young woman in Chicago renovates old houses and apt. buildings. On cable, Thursday night. You would love watching it for the writers series, and your own memories !!!

To an easier week !!

chkntza said...

I hope you have a smoother week and all the deliveries get straightened out.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I feel for you. It all sounds so familiar. I hope your leg is better. That sounds awful.
The most my husband can do is open jar for me. My son has suddenly started fixing things. It's such a relief that it's not always me.

I will look into the show. Particularly since I have to remodel a bathroom.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, the water filter got lost on the way, which turned out okay. Also it turns out I don't need a garbage disposal, just a expensive power wash of the pipes which is happening Monday. We got through the weekend with water backing up in the sink and then eventually going down.

Linda O. Johnston said...

My sympathy and empathy for all the stuff that's gone wrong, Betty. Things seldom seem to work or progress as they should. I gather that at least some of it is okay now. Hope that's so with everything else soon!