Friday, December 16, 2022

No Sugar Plums Dancing Here


 I have put writing on hold for the next week or so.  Too many things going on that demand my attention.  I wish I could say they were all sugar and spice and everything nice, but in reality they are not the pleasantest of things like dealing with Quickbook software and getting facts and figures together before the end of the year.  Today I found out I need a bunch of dental work.

Then I'm the last man standing as everyone else here is sick.  Not covid, thank heavens, but all feeling crummy. It's up to me make sure everyone is fed and covered up.  Like I said, not exactly candy canes and sugar plums.  But that's life.

 It doesn't help that it is probably the darkest week of the year.  The sun  doesn't hang around long enough for me to find a sunny spot in the yard and bask in the warmth.

At least I am crocheting.  It is an absolute mood soother and the blanket I'm making feels cuddly on my legs as I work on it.  It's worked on a big hook with thick yarn and makes up fast.  I think everybody will be fighting over it when I finish it as the weather has been really cold for Southern California.

The nice thing about crochet is that it frees the mind and despite me putting writing on hold, I start to hear my characters talking in my head.  Plot ideas pop up and I scribble them down.  I guess I never really put writing on hold.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Sorry to hear it's not all sugar and spice at your place. Being sick the week before Christmas is the pits -- thank goodness, you are still well, other than with the pending dental work -- ouch!!

Is that a picture of the afghan you are working on? Does indeed look cozy and warm. It's cold here in Phoenix, also. I turn the heat off at night and the house was 64 degrees when I got up this morning -- too cold for my comfort but it warms up fast. The weather in the east and south is horrendous.

Other than a bit of baking, I'm done with all my Christmas prep. Now I have time to read two of your books Amazon delivered yesterday. I think these two are the last of the crochet mysteries series.

Keep well and hopefully, everyone will be up and around for the holiday.

Sally Morrison said...

Crocheting is my go-to soother. It's chilly here in Central Florida too. I'm embracing the chill with crochet, hot chocolate and intermittent reading. Hope everything evens out in your world for Christmas.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, nice that you are so organized for Christmas. Lucky for me already have tree and all shopping done. I spoke too soon about no Covid as one of the sick people in my house tested positive. I, thankfully, tested negative.

I hope you enjoy the books.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, until I was cold at Disney World in January, I didn't realize that only the tip of Florida was tropical. It sounds like you have the chilly weather covered. I'm trying to balance everything here so not only Christmas works out, but my grandson's birthday on the 23rd.

Patty said...

Betty -- I've seen that ColdEze commercial three times today -- it inspires me to crochet some flowers to embellish a vest I made. Many years ago, my grandma and I made crocheted flowers that were similar to long-stemmed carnations -- I don't remember exactly how we did it other than it was a circle of crochet, sort of like a mini doily, a stem was inserted in the middle and then some sort of a receptacle was pushed onto it to push the "doily" into a flower shape. We made numerous bouquets!!

Hope your family member who tested positive has a mild case -- both my son and daughter, vaccinated and boosted, had covid -- thankfully, mild cases. I'm afraid it is here to stay.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Miss Merry said...

Hope everyone is feeling a little better and you can get a break. It has been interesting here, too. "Christmas" is tomorrow and I plan to collapse on Sunday.

Patty said...

Good Saturday morning -- I was flipping through various online crochet sites and came across something I'd not seen before -- scrumble crochet. It's basically free form -- using various stitches, yarns, colors together in any way you want -- very abstract. Probably not something I'd do as I'm basically a stay-within-the-lines person but Adele might be interested. Of course, with her vast knowledge of crochet, she may already know about it!!

It's cold in Phoenix this morning -- only 35 degrees. My condo has a small patio with a concrete block wall on each side so it is a bit insulated from the cold -- helps protect my potted plants.

Hope your day goes well -- and all are feeling better.

Betty Hechtman said...

Miss Merry, the covid sufferer is feeling better along with the other two that just have a regular cold. I hope you get a chance to collapse and relax a little.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I do know about free form crochet and I think I had Adele do it in one of the books, but thanks for the idea, I think she'll be working on it in the next book again.

35 degrees is cold. It's like that here occasionally. The other morning there was frost on the outdoor lounge chairs.

My son seems to have a mild case of Covid. I agree that it seems here to stay, though seems to have morphed into something less seriour

chkntza said...

I hope your family members feel better and that you don't catch what they have. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting. I find it funny that I did more when I was working than now that I am retired. I try not to sit for long periods of time and that interferes with my knitting and crocheting so I do it here and there in spurts.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Sorry your holiday season isn't more pleasant, Betty. Yes, it's chilly for Southern California. Sorry your family members aren't well. Stay safe and enjoy your crocheting and your characters!