Friday, August 11, 2023

Do You know the Way to San Jose

 I'm writing this post early because we are finally going on the trip to Monterey by way of San Jose.  It's a combo of refreshing my memory of the area since that's where the Yarn Retreat books take place and I am in the midst of writing the next one.

And it is taking Jakey on a plane ride he will remember.  He flew to Hawaii when he six months old.  Now that he's six going on seven, it's going to be a whole other story.  He's got his own suitcase and is all excited about the trip.

It's kind of the clashing of books right now.  I am working on KNOT DEAD, AGAIN, but also thinking about KILLER HOBBIES  upcoming release September 26.  I am trying to put together a virtual tour which I have never done before.  It should be fun and challenging.  I am aiming for six stops and each will have it's own post.  Some will be interviews with me or one of the characters.  I'm thinking of doing the interview with Adele.  She's such a wild character, it should be fun to write an interview with her.  There will probably be something about the recipes I put in the books.  Some of them have stories that go with them.  I could write about all the pets in the Crochet books.

And there will be something about yarn and why I include yarn craft in all the books I write.  And after my trip up to Monterey, I'll probably have more ideas.

It's the night before we leave.  Our plane is early, so we will be on the way when it's barely light.  And then it's go, go, go.  I just wish I had as much energy as Jakey.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you have a busy time ahead -- enjoy!! An interview with Adele should be interesting!!

Still hot here -- a few degrees cooler but not enough to make a big difference. And not a drop of rain -- the monsoon season is being called the non-soon season.

My son needed a blanket ASAP for a friend's baby girl so I crocheted a big granny square in pink and white -- started late Tuesday afternoon and finished at noon yesterday.

Have fun on your travels -- it should be a great time with Jakey.

Sally Morrison said...

Hope you make a book stop in Orlando someday. Meanwhile, I think interviewing Adele would be awesome. Whole crochet outfit of course. Have fun in San Jose.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I'm glad the heat is a little better for you. I'm sure some rain would help. You are a fast crocheter. I' love making the big granny squares but it takes me much longer.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, It would be fun to make a book stop in Orlando. We keep talking about taking Jakey to Disney World, so maybe then. Thanks for the suggestion about including Adele's outfit in an interview.

Back from our trip. Traveling with a six-year-old was exhausting, but loved watching him experience the trip.

chkntza said...

I am looking forward to you virtual tours.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza,i'm looking forward to it, too. I just want to make the blog posts fun and interesting.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I hope you're having a wonderful trip along with Jakey, and that your upcoming blog tour goes well, too. I've done some, and they tend to be enjoyable.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, the trip was wonderful. I loved Big Sur. The blog tour should be fun.