Friday, December 22, 2023


 I am always surprised when the future becomes the present.  Christmas seemed off in the foggy future or at least weeks away.  The same for Jakey's birthday which is two days before Christmas.  And suddenly they are just a few days off.

I set aside my advent calendar crocheting to crochet a birthday cake for Jakey.  I thought it would be different than the tons of toys he's likely to get.  It doesn't take that long to make, so if he tosses it aside, I won't feel bad.  Besides I will have had the fun of creating it.

After the long period of sunny skies, the rains have come.  For a couple of days it was just light rain.  The kind where you don't really bother with a raincoat or umbrella.  But then it got serious.  Tonight when we went to Costco to get wrapping paper for all those presents Jakey is going to get, there was a respite in the rain.  Lots of shoppers so we parked on the mezzanine level.  Normally, there is a think called the travelator that goes to the ground floor level.  It's like a ramp with a moving sidewalk meant to transport Costco carts and shoppers to the upper level.

Even though it is covered, the travelator doesn't like rain and wasn't working.  The other option to move a cart to the upper level is the elevator.  It's much slower and not as much fun.  For the moment, the rain had stopped anyway, which was a good thing because the spot to wait for the elevator isn't covered and Costco doesn't bag things.  Talk about lucky, just as the elevator doors opened and we wheeled the cart with loose items into it, the drops began to fall.  By the time we drove out of the parking lot, it was a downpour.  I was so glad we got on the elevator before everything got soaked.

The rain is research for me now as the manuscript I'm finishing takes place during a deluge of rain that turns the hotel and conference center into an island.  Having actual downpours of rain helps me to note details like how it sounds, how it feels to have it drench you, and the tension watching as our yard starts  to flood.

It's hard to believe that by next blog, Christmas was be in the past and the Hallmark Christmas movies will have morphed into repeats of Fraiser.  In the meantime  Merry Christmas!


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- What a cute little cake! Happy Birthday to Jakey -- how old is he?

News showing flooding in Southern California -- it's raining here but not a downpour. Rained enough during the night that there is a stream running down the driveway -- thank goodness, the drainage is really good and the water runs quickly to the back of my area and to the drains.

My son and grandson had a fun time last Sunday at a Phoenix Suns basketball game. My son is an artist and the Suns organization bought one of his paintings -- he was invited to come see where it is hanging. He and my grandson had seating in the owner's suite to watch the game -- pretty plush -- plus, what my grandson enjoyed most, lots of food!! He said "walls of food" -- he especially liked the lobster mac and cheese.

I've been having a great time using the new yarns -- the "Speckle" works up beautifully as does the "Stripes." I'm making a good dent in my stash. I don't make New Year's resolution but I'm going to try to refrain from buying more yarn until I've used at least half of what I have. That could take a while!!

The family is coming here for Christmas brunch -- I'd planned a bacon and egg casserole, muffins, coffee cake and fresh fruit but waffles have been requested so they will be added.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Patty said...

Update on the fake coyote -- it didn't work a second time!! The raccoon could be seen on the Ring camera coming into the yard, stopping about a foot in front of the coyote -- when the coyote didn't move, the coon moved closer and actually hit the critter in the head!! A woman at the wildlife center told my son raccoons are incredibly smart and not easy to fool. She told him to get one of those noise makers that make a high-pitched sound only animals hear -- she said they seem to work better than anything,

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, How exciting for your son. And very nice that he could share going to the game in posh surrounding with his son. Been to things like that and the food is great. So nice your grandson could enjoy it.

The rains certainly came here, but there are a few spots where the water floods up. It seems like the worst of the storms missed us.

Good luck with your plan not to buy yarn. One good thing with these kits is they come just with what you need.

Your Christmas menu sounds great. We're having brunch and then bringing in Chinese food for dinner.

Jakey is going to be seven.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, too funny about the racoon hitting the fake coyote in the head.

chkntza said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Cute crocheted birthday cake, Betty. And hope Jakey's birthday and your holiday have been fun!