Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!

          Oh, yes, it’s 2024 now.  I’ve been pondering all the things I want to do this year—including step up my writing speed again, even though so far I’ve only one book being published this year. 

But I’ve been pondering a new idea for a while. I want to finish the first draft of what I’m working on now, then dive into that idea and get it started. 

            Meanwhile, I have plans for some trips later this year, and some more family get-togethers outside the holiday season. 

            Oh, and of course, lots of time with the pups. They’ve enjoyed their walks so far this year, and a lot more to come. Lots more games, too, especially with Roxie, although Cari does join in quite a bit—then stops. 

            And you? How has your new year started? I hope it goes really well and that you accomplish what you want and have lots of fun. 


Patty said...

Good morning -- So far, 2024 has been good. Started quietly, as always, watching the Rose Parade and lots of football. My daughter-in-law and grandson got back from their visit in Chicago and we all went to lunch yesterday -- had a nice visit.

My time will probably be a rerun of last year -- doing what needs doing around my little condo, crocheting a lot, and spending time with my family. That's fine with me -- I've never been one to run around -- I'm a real homebody!!

I hope your new idea works well -- will you give a hint of what it is? Inquiring minds want to know!!

Enjoy your day, your dogs and whatever it is you're up to.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Glad 2024 has started well for you, Patty. And being a homebody sounds enjoyable, especially with your family and crocheting.

The only hint I'll give about the new idea is that it will involve dogs, but I'm sure that's no surprise!

Enjoy your day too.

Sally Morrison said...

Happy New Year Linda! I had a great holiday season and this week I'm putting my house back in order. We had all the family together for five days. All 13. We celebrated a granddaughter finishing her bachelor's degree and getting engaged along with all the holiday festivities. And a further surprise was my family planned an early 70th birthday celebration for me. It was awesome and I'm grateful.

Hope your new year is wonderful and successful.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Happy New Year to you too, Sally! How wonderful that you had your family together and had so many things to celebrate. And a happy early birthday to you from me too!

Have a wonderful new year,