Friday, June 28, 2024

Picking Out a House

 As  I was writing Molly Pink's arrival at the house that Hookers were having a weekend getaway in the Ojai Valley, I suddenly drew a blank about what the house and the area around it actually looked like.  I like to have a real mental picture of places that I'm writing about and I realized I need to figure out what the house looked like and where it was situated.  It's not an unimportant detail in book #16, it has to do with the plot.

I could never have done this in the distant past but thanks to all the online real estate listings, I spent the next couple of hours looking over properties for sale in the Ojai Valley.   It's amazing what you can see online.  I needed to find houses that I liked, but also what the property would look like.  What would be growing on a wild area.  One of my characters has a five acre property and I wanted to imagine what it would look like.

Now that I have mental images and the photos, I will make rough drawings of the properties and I see them.  It will give me something to work from, but also help with my desire to draw more.  And then after I finish with the book something to remember working on it by.

I just wrote the granny square tie into the story as I work on making it.  It's a real pattern and judging by the photo that came with it, meant for a man.  The guy in the picture is model handsome and playing golf.  I bet there isn't a chance in the world that model asked to keep the tie.  I think it would have to be a fun guy with a sense of humor to wear the tie.

Not even going to suggest it to anyone around here.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- I love looking at properties online. I check out houses I've lived in since growing up in Lincoln, NE -- wow, do they have bargains there compared to Arizona and California prices!! A house my aunt and uncle bought in Sunnyvale, CA in 1959 for $19,000 is now listed for more than $2 million!! A huge house, formerly a sorority house on the Nebraska Wesleyan campus in Lincoln -- 28 bedrooms -- looks gorgeous -- listed at a bit less than $900,000. At one point, I took courses to get a real estate license but decided along the way that I don't have the temperament to be comfortable with all the ups and downs, and all the last minute complications. I did help a real estate agent friend stage houses for sale -- that was great fun.

I just finished re-reading "Dead Men Don't Crochet" -- in it, Molly mentions crocheting scarves to give to service personnel. I did that years ago -- had forgotten all about the "Operation Gratitude" program. I looked up their info and plan to make a few -- they want a fairly small size -- no more than 5" by 50" -- can probably make one during an evening of tv watching.

We're going out for a bbq lunch today -- love good bbq ribs. My grandson asked that I find a place that serves big portions -- his only criteria!! He has a huge appetite but he's 6' 3" , 197 pounds -- gotta feed that body.

Enjoy your day and your writing -- and, of course, your crocheting.

Linda O. Johnston said...

It's fun, and amazing at times, to see what research can be done online these days, Betty. I certainly enjoy it, as well as in-person research.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I forgot all about those scarves for service people. I'll will have to check it out and see if it is still going on.

Yes, property values are sure different in different places.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, in person research is great. There is nothing being in a location and taking it all in. When I was looking at those properties, I was curious about the land around them and you can really only see that in person. But since I am taking a house from one listing and moving to another area, I am using my imagination.