Wednesday, September 11, 2024

More Research

             One of the fun things about writing is conducting research for whatever story I’m working on. Sometimes I go out and talk to people. For example, I attended a local event recently where some police officers were present, and I got to ask them what was going on with investigating smash-and-grab robberies. These officers weren’t involved but gave me a little information that I used to do a bit more research, and I’ve been able to use some of it in the current story I’m writing. 

            Also these days it’s certainly handy to have the internet available, to be able to Google lots of things to at least get general information, determine where to look next, or learn the terms being used in whatever matter I’m researching, or remind me of terms I may have known once or lost. 

            Sure, writing is important, but it has to make sense, and research certainly helps with that—hopefully! 

            One thing that’s particularly fun for me to research is dogs. Of course. I have some K-9s and assistance dogs in the story I’m writing now. I haven’t visited any of either type recently but I’ve dug back into my notes from when I did research about them in the past—and I hope to learn about another demonstration of either or both in my area soon. I’ve asked my own dogs to help a bit, but they’re all about being loving and playful lapdogs and haven’t been much assistance to my research, just to keeping me happy!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Isn't Google amazing -- it knows all!! On day, my husband and I asked all sorts of goofy questions and we got an answer to everything, and in just a split second. My favorite was asking the square root of huge numbers. I have no idea how all that information is processed -- my math whiz daughter gave me an explanation but it meant nothing to me!!

The news keeps showing horrible fires in Southern California but doesn't pinpoint just where -- they did say there would be lots of smoke in the Los Angeles area.

I see more and more Cavs in tv commercials -- they are such sweet-looking dogs. I love a cuddly lap dog.

Enjoy your research and writing, and of course, cuddling with the dogs.

Sally Morrison said...

Hard to believe we used to go to a brick-and-mortar library to look things up. I still go to the library but generally not to do research. I can't decide if we are smarter now or smarter then. Technically speaking I'm still way behind young people of today. I'm sure I'll never catch up. And that's okay!