Friday, September 6, 2024



 Just as I was writing about the end of summer with the Labor Day holiday, the weather didn't get the message.  It's supposed to be 110 degrees here today.  Even the beach isn't being spared.  I saw that it is going to be 98 degrees in Malibu.  That means no after school trip to the playground there for Jakey.

The news people seem intent on making it sound as unbearable as possible by adding that it won't be cooling off that much at night.  

But it's only for a few days, so it's that much easier to spend more time at my computer or crocheting.  I am working on the project to be included in the book I'm working on.  The idea of it grew out of that crocheted tie I made mixed in with an accessory the main character in the TV show Elsbeth wears.

I read all about the costume designer picking out the granny square scarf for the lawyer/Columbo like investigator.  I think he said he got it at Macy's.  The way to work on the project opened up when I finally put the face on the bunny.  It's amazing how the placement of the eyes makes such a difference.  There is a trick to placing them based on opening between the stitches.  I had a hard time getting the black yarn through the right place on my first attempt and the poor bunny ended up looking like he had one droopy eye.

The great thing about crochet is that getting a do over isn't that hard.  Now it looks like it is looking at me directly and we're making eye contact.  Since I talk about these little creatures being like support companions, it's good that it seems to a connection. It feels like there is a little soul behind the white yarn and stuffing. 


Patty said...

Good morning -- That bunny is adorable!! Eyes on little creatures are hard to do -- I made a rat for my son and it took about half a dozen tries to get them looking right. But as you say, do-overs in crochet are easy, thank goodness.

Your weather is hotter than Phoenix today. Do you have humidity? The low humidity here is what makes our temps much more bearable.

I'm making good progress on the afghans I'm making as Christmas gifts -- the way time flies, the holidays will be here in a flash.

The Disneyland advertisement from, as I recall, 1964 was fun to read -- oh, that the prices were even close to that these days. I read that a family of four should plan to spend about $1,000 per day -- that's by not scrimping. It's possible to spend less but even a few hundred dollars less is still a tidy sum.

Enjoy your day -- your writing, crocheting and spending time with Jakey.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, Wow, we're hotter than Phoenix-- that's something. It's supposed to be over 110 today. It is dry heat, though there were clouds in the sky this morning. I know what you mean about time flying. I still have some crochet kits from the Advent calendar I bought last year.

Disneyland prices are crazy. The parking alone is around $35. Our passes cost a bunch, but we have found ways to not spend that much on each visit.

I hope we all get some cooler weather!

Linda O. Johnston said...

How fun that you're creating such an adorable creature by crocheting, Betty. And I'm definitely not enjoying the heat, either. Right now, it's 109 degrees outside. Ugh! At the moment, my dogs aren't interested in going out.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, your dogs have the right idea! Just a few more days and the high will be in the high 70s.

chkntza said...

The bunny is so cute! On Saturday I was out driving and my car temperature said 102 degrees.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, 102 is chilly compared to the 118 that registered when we were driving in the Valley. I'm so glad that this is the last super hot day!