Thursday, January 31, 2019

Just Embellish

In crafting, sometimes mistakes happen. Some are small and others our big--almost tantrum inducing because of the cost of the ruined project. And I admit I almost had quite a toddler meltdown over this tote bag. I've added HTV (heat vinyl transfer) to totes numerous times before but for some reason...either the vinyl was defective or the just wouldn't stick.I tried for thirty minutes, and as it was time to start dinner, I had to admit defeat.

My plan was to try again the next day. Wouldn't you know it but the moment I started removing the vinyl (still attached to the carrier sheet) the "end" of the saying stuck. Now, I had lifted up all four corners and the design hadn't stuck which was why I was going to try later. I easily removed half the vinyl sheet, but the other part of the saying was finally stuck to the tote. I was not a happy crafter. I hated the fact that I had just ruined the bag as I don't have that many (and totes can be a little pricey).

What was I going to do? If it had been a scrapbook page, I'd just add an embellishment and be on my way. You know, add a sticker, a ribbon, a flower...something. Then I thought why not embellish the bag? I had a ton of fabric. If it didn't work out right, it didn't matter because the bag was already ruined.

I sewed a piece of fabric onto the back side of the bag and then added another piece of material (using no sew fabric tape) to make a pocket. I might try adding some vinyl to the pocket, which I'll try first by applying some to a piece of scrap material I have left over.

I chose a fabric that colors went well with the cover of  my new book because I was going to make a fabric transfer to place on the other side. I hadn't used a fabric transfer on canvas material before and figured might as well try it now. If it doesn't work, I won't be messing up another tote.  I did iron on the transfer before adding the pocket so the added bulk didn't interfere with the transfer sticking.

And it worked! It's not the tote I had planned to make, but I have to say that I really do like it. It turned out nice. Most of the time in crafting, all it takes is some well-placed embellishments to turn what you believe is a ruined project into a wonderful creation.


Jennifer Tenney said...

Great job! HTV can be so problem is always hot or cold peel, and when you have pressed 1/2 the design of a hot peel but still have the other half to go!

Christina Freeburn said...

I have the same problem remembering which color is hot or cold peel. Lately, I've been trying to buy the hot peel in rolls and the cold peel in sheets so I don't mix it up the two.

Laura said...

Love your book cover transfer.
I am just getting started with HTV and cutters, etc. There seems to be a learning curve and no guarantees.
Your creativity seems to have saved the day!