Thursday, January 24, 2019

Not A Creature Was Stirring is Out

This has been a fun and hectic week for me. Not A Creature Was Stirring released on Tuesday and the second book in the series was due to the publisher that day as well. I spent a lot of time jumping between finishing up on the edits to the manuscript and peeking (checking rankings and reviews) at how Stirring was doing.

Having a book due the same day as a release (note: I had asked for a later date due to my traveling in December) made me feel like I was ignoring one child for another. Both needed attention and I split my time the best I could. Though I have to say, needing to focus on book 2 didn't allow the brain-space for me to angst over the release of Stirring. Not to say I didn't fret at all but not as much as I usually do. But, I also couldn't just focus on that wonderful feeling when a book is born and is getting much love. I wanted to just celebrate but had work to do.

In case anyone is wondering why I'm not referring to book 2 by a title is because I'm now thinking I don't have the right one. I'm a bit of a over thinker and second guess myself a lot. I have sent off an email to my editor about it and will await for their take on the matter.

Not a Creature Was Stirring is available in ebook, hardback and paperback.

Barnes and Noble:
Apple Books:


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